Being ecological and sustainable is very important to us, as hard as it is in this remote part of the earth. We do the most and best we can.
We recycle and reuse as much as possible. Luckily many things can be reused, but unfortunately not much can be recycled in Indonesia. Some items, like batteries, we bring to the recycling system in Europe, as Indonesia doesn't have one.
We serve only locally sourced vegetables and fish. We grow part of the vegetables ourselves, especially herbs which we can't get here, the rest we buy from local producers.
We have electricity from a local power plant during the dark hours (6pm-6am) and during the day we rely on our solar panels for electricity in the restaurant area. We start a generator only in emergency cases.
On the way to make Bomba plastic clean
Celengan Sampah is a project started by the enthusiastic divers of Ampana Dive Community. We are super happy and proud to be one of their local partners and we are doing our best to keep this amazing project alive in Bomba.
It is no secret that plastic waste is a huge problem in the whole Indonesia and especially in the islands there is no infrastructure to deal with it. Bomba itself has no collection system and the plastic waste is either burnt or thrown to the ocean or the streets/forest.
Celengan Sampah gives plastic waste education and how to turn plastic rubbish into ecobricks, that again can be used f.ex. for building purposes and making funiture like chairs and small tables.
The project started in Bomba in March 2022 with a HUGE interest. First step was starting with the children in the school, who have the most open minds, the energy and enthusiasm to adapt a change in behaviour.
The kids collect plastic waste and swap the ready ecobricks againts small presents like books, pens and swimming goggles. We also give out a monthly bonus to the one who has collected the most, like a drybag, clean water filter system or diving mask&snorkel.
To keep this project alive we need a constant flow of presents. If you would like to participate by donating gifts, please contact us. Even small donations help.
Read more in our Blog about the project.

We happy to co-operate with a NGO called "Support a local", an amazing project by our good friend Corinna from Germany.
She started food deliveries to poor areas mostly in Sulawesi after COVID-19 started to shut down many peoples livelihoods.
Food deliveries expanded quickly to dive courses to locals and providing clean drinking water filter systems to remote areas. Please read more in our blog and donate if you can!

We have done a few coral transplanting projects in our area. One was in co-operation with Bandung University (Universitas Padjadjaran) directly in the front of the dive center. This is an area we can control and easily keep clean.
Also Togean National Park has a few transplantation projects in the area.
We also monitor the reef conditions and add regularly new anchor points to the dive and snorkeling sites.
We already have had volunteers doing reef propagation projects in our dive shop. If you are interested and have an idea, please contact us!